Cryptocurrency Awareness →
The Brief:
"Crypto is the next gold. Crypto will make you the next Elon Musk. Crypto will help you lose 20lbs in 2 days. It seems like everyone has an opinion about Crypto, but no one really knows what it is.
Make a public awareness campaign that educates people about decentralized Cryptocurrencies and gets them excited about one of the biggest innovations of our time. Or, maybe you think Crypto is the energy-sucking bane of human civilization that will bring the world as we know it to an end? Then let the world know that, instead.
Either way, make a campaign to demystify Crypto with the point of view you think is best!"
CW: Sammy Boyd | AD: Javed Eid

Venmo came out with a similar Crypto integration several months later. Coincidence? ;)